Plant 1
Plant 2
Battery of uniaxial and Isostatic Presses
Micro processor controlled high temp.gas fired tunnel Kiln
1800 Degree Celsius High Temperature Bell Type Kiln
300 Ton Powder Compacting Press
Multi Cavity Isostatic Press
150 Ton Multicavity Press
CNC Milling Centre
Wire EDM, Spark EDM
General View of Tool Room
Fast Hole Drilling CNC EDM
Scanning Electron Microscope (S.E.M.)
Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (E.D.X.R.F.)
Atomic absorption spectrophotometer (A.A.S.)
Thermo Gravity (T.G.) / Thermal Differential analysis (T.D.A.)
Laser Particle Size Analyser
Bead Crushing, Strength Testing Instrument
Universal Testing Machine (U.T.M.)
Contact free measuring Microscope
Laser Roundness Measuring Instrument
Salt Spray Analyser
High Speed Bead Mill for Wear Test